If you are considering joining Wymondham Photographic Society (WPS) please come along to one of our meetings and have a chat with our Membership secretary, Chairman or Secretary. You can attend the first two meetings free from subscription.
We are a friendly group of enthusiasts so helping each other get the most from photography and inspiring and encouraging each other is the reason the Society exists. You will find members most willing to share knowledge and techniques.
1. Application: Fill in the online Application form below and click Send Form.
The form will go directly to the Membership Secretary who will acknowledge your application and inform you of the Subscription payment amount.
NB. The subscription amount for new members may be reduced for the first season depending upon the date of joining.
2. Subscription: The annual subscription for 2024 has been set at £52.50 for Individual Membership. Please arrange for the subscription payment to be made to the Society’s bank account.
We ask that you pay by BACS *, our bank details are :-
Payee: Wymondham Photographic Society
Sort Code: 40-47-27
Account Number: 51104004
Reference: Your name
Payment* may also be made by cheque or by cash to the Treasurer but these will attract a small banking fee.
Membership: On receipt of payment by the Treasurer the Membership Secretary will :-
a) Confirm your membership.
b) Issue you with a Membership / Competition Number . You will retain this number throughout your membership unless otherwise notified.
Personal Details: Your details will also be used to :-
c) Set up access to Photoentry enabling you to enter competitions.
d) Added to our members email circulation list.
e) Enable you to access the Members Area of this website. You will receive login details via email. Please change the password to your own.
NB. It is each members responsibility to inform the Membership secretary of any change to their personal details eg. Address, email address etc.
Your personal details will be retained by WPS and only used by WPS Officers to conduct their normal duties in accordance with GDPR and our Data Protection Policy.
From time to time, and in order to ensure accuracy of data, the Membership Secretary may ask for a complete refresh of members details.
New Members may attend the first two meetings (with no subscription fee) before joining.
To join fill in the Application Form and click Send Form.
Your subscription amount will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for the remaining months of the current season.
Full individual member subscription is currently £52.50 per season payable by 1st August of each year.
This subscription also entitles the member to Family membership which can include a partner and any dependant children aged between 14 and 17 inclusive.
Please pay your subscription by bank transfer (BACS), adding your name as reference.
If this is not possible you may pay by cheque or cash to the Treasurer but bank charges may be applied.
As a fully paid up member you will be entitled to take part in competitions either in
Tier 1 (beginners & improvers) or
Tier 2 (more advanced).
Competitions are free to enter and include both PDI (Projected Digital Image) and Printed images. During our season from September to June we hold three rounds of Cumulative DPI competition, three rounds of Print competition, an Annual competition, Inter-club competitions and an International competition.